International Talent Adds Unique Perspectives and Knowledge

International Talent Adds Unique Perspectives and Knowledge


May 9, 2024

Our Global Team from Albania, Brazil, Bulgaria, France, India, and Mexico.

In the ever-evolving landscape of design and architecture, certain cities stand out as epicenters of innovation, drawing in talent from across the globe. Boston, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and dynamic corporate landscape, has emerged as a hotspot for international designers seeking new frontiers in their careers. A quarter of TRIA’s employees hail from outside the United States, and we wondered what factors contribute to the allure of working at TRIA.

Maria Martinez, Interior Designer, Mexico

“Boston boasts a robust corporate ecosystem that serves as a catalyst for creativity and collaboration. The city is home to many multinational companies, ranging from biotech giants to cutting-edge tech firms. TRIA’s commitment to these clients and employees who have diverse talents is what drew me here.

Prodipta Chatterjee, Project Designer, India

“At the heart of Boston’s appeal lies its status as a global hub for science and technology. With world-renowned universities like MIT and Harvard driving groundbreaking research and innovation, the city fosters socio-economic advancement. But more appealing are the amazing people at TRIA, who value hard work and welcome challenging projects. It has a small firm charm where everyone knows everyone and people genuinely care for each other.”

Suela Muco, Associate, Project Designer, Albania

“Boston has earned a reputation for its rigorous approach to design and architecture. The city provides an environment that values precision and professionalism. Whether navigating complex zoning regulations or collaborating with interdisciplinary teams, working at TRIA, with its boutique size, allows me to hone my skills and refine my craft. Our clients demand a commitment to excellence and delivery that fosters my personal and professional growth.”

Aline Trindade, Senior Associate, Director of Interiors, Brazil

“Innovation is woven into the fabric of Boston’s identity. The city has always been the birthplace of innovation, from its historic role in the American Revolution to its ongoing contributions to scientific and technological advancements. TRIA offers a supportive ecosystem that encourages experimentation and creativity. And whether it’s participating in design competitions, attending industry events, or networking with like-minded professionals, TRIA provides ample opportunities for exploring that innovation and connecting with fellow innovators who like to push the boundaries of design.”

Neli Ialamov, Senior Associate, Senior Interior Designer, Bulgaria

“TRIA offers a unique blend of opportunity, creativity, and community. As Boston continues to evolve and thrive, its allure as a haven for talented professionals from around the world is vibrant. Working with my TRIA colleagues and even all the women here can foster a sense of empowerment. Being among peers with diverse backgrounds enhances my curiosity too, and I think that adds value to our community because we are continuously learning.”

Aayushi Sanghvi, Designer 2, India

“Embarking on a journey from India to immerse myself in Boston’s dynamic architectural landscape, I’ve found TRIA to be an especially alluring workplace for international designers and architects. As I work alongside so many talented colleagues at TRIA, I am in awe of the support for a diverse environment that nurtures innovation and creativity. The chance for personal growth is compelling, and I find great fulfillment in collaborating with a dedicated team on unique life science projects from inception to conception.”

Emma Pina, COO, France

Although not a designer, Emma’s European heritage adds a certain “je ne sais quoi!” to our operations.
“C’est magnifique! When I came here 12 years ago and started working in the A/E/C industry, I immediately felt at home in this town. TRIA’s boutique size is a perfect match for my entrepreneurial spirit!”