The Architecture of Discovery

We design spaces that enable business success and advance new discoveries—for projects in the lab, workplace, residential, hospitality, and adaptive reuse.

Having experts on staff who have deep experience working on all phases of planning, design, and execution, our teams can readily connect with clients and users, gaining  trust and establishing a rapport. This connection is vital, forming a team approach to the project where everyone is invested.

Additionally, we know that the right design solution can help a company thrive, which is “form follows culture.” So, our approach is holistic: our visionary designers and technical experts work as one to deliver beautiful, functional designs that solve business challenges.

Our Approach

We use a methodology that is strong enough to be the foundation for every project, but flexible enough to meet the unique needs of each individual client. The four pillars of our approach are:

  • Visioning

  • Visioning
  • Visioning

    An efficient, workshop-style session to define goals, map out a project plan, and envision success.

  • Programming /

  • Programming /<br>Planning
  • Programming /

    The brass-tacks definition of a project’s quantitative requirements and programmatic elements.

  • Design

  • Design
  • Design

    Where brains meet beauty: the collaborative process by which we develop and visualize the workspace.

  • Execution

  • Execution
  • Execution

    Management of construction and implementation to ensure that our shared vision comes to life on time, on budget, and with inspiration.